Hero to Zero: The Damnation of Diesel Cars
Did you purchase a vehicle with a diesel engine under the assumption that it was greener? It turns out, we were wrong! David King, ex-Government adviser admits we were misled regarding diesel pollution.
Car safety: Has it improved?
More than 90% of vehicle accidents involve human error and historically fatalities were significantly higher than they are now. What changed was a shift in consumer demand which led to a desire for improved car safety.
Brexit and the Motor Trade industry
Though the Brexit referendum was almost two years ago, we’re still waiting to see the shape of the motor insurance sector once we actually exit the EU. This is particularly pertinent in motor insurance where more than 2.5 million private and commercial vehicles travel from the UK to the EU every year.
Technological Innovation to Encourage Vehicle Sales Success
Recent research revealed 70% of customers spend more time online than offline when researching their car purchase, using services such as official vehicle websites, online forums and social media. With this in mind, it’s vital that motor traders take advantage of technological innovation.
Car vandalism up 37% – here’s how to protect your business fleet
Where should you really park to avoid vandalism? From motion alarms to parking tips, help your fleet drivers stay safe
Why the industry is becoming more unsafe & the increasing demand for video adverts.
Motor Trade industry updates for the third quarter 2018.
Managing Fire Risks
Fire can devastate any business, but particularly a motor trade premises with flammable materials onsite